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Quiet & Convenient Location
XMAS/NEW YEAR: We close 5pm Friday 20 December & re-open 9am Thursday 2 January………..(NO PETS)……….This delightful 1 bedroom unit offers a modern kitchen, bathroom & laundry, modern appliances including reverse cycle split system heating/cooling, private courtyard, garden shed & carport. It’s located in a quiet cul-de-sac at the eastern end of Smith St, approximately half-way between Central Albury & Lavington shopping centres. Nearby are bus stops, businesses, Scots School, North Albury Public School, and the Albury Showground. It would suit someone wanting a cosy home in a quiet location but with easy access to facilities. $260pw, (No Pets), Available Now, Inspect by appointment – call 02 6025 8000, For more visit www.nhre.com.au